Wednesday, September 26, 2007


So let me give you a little Ronnie-Ray history. When I was 17 I was dying to get my ear pierced. I asked my mom and she said, "We'll see," or "We'll discuss it later." Something to that effect. So, one afternoon Deanna and I were at a mall in West Hollywood and I convinced her to sign for me to get my ear pierced, since she was 25-ish and I was only 17. After all, my mom had never said, "NO."

Deanna signs the consent form, I get my ear pierced, done deal, no problem. UNTIL...I got home. Oh my! I had never seen my mom that angry. I was a little scared. She totally blew up at me. Then she called Deanna and gave her the business. "How could you do that!! I told him NO...BLAH...BLAH...BLAH!!"

Skip forward 18 years. Yesterday I had to work so my mom takes the kids to the mall. I get a voice mail on my cell phone that goes like this: "Hey son. We are at the mall at Claire's and just wanted to let you know that we are going to get Hunter's ear pierced. Love you. Bye."

My heart jumps in my chest. She is just the lady to do something like this. I call them I immediately. She answers the phone and says, "Ha ha!! Gotcha!!"

She later remonded me of the old saying, "Pay back is a b****!"

Much to my relief, no ears were pierced in the making of this story.

Good one mom. Kudos.


Anonymous said...

Ahhhh! I like your mom!!

TAV said...

too funny!

Anonymous said...

That is AWESOME!

Don K

Anonymous said...

Now I know where you get your sense of humor. "maybe I will. . .and maybe I . . .WILL." Still one of my favs.