Thursday, September 27, 2007

Conversations with Ebby

These are two converstaions that I had today. The first was with my mom....

"Mom, what were you and Cole scheming last night?"
"Yes you were what was it?"
"It wasn't anything."
"Mother, tell me what you were talking about!"
"I told the boys that if they kept their rooms clean this week that I would give them $5.00 each. They were letting me know that they had done it and I was telling them that I would give them the money at the end of a weeks time, which is Friday."
I said, "Well they did keep it picked up."

Now here is the conversation with the boys later on this afternoon...
I started out with, "So boys...I heard that you were going to get paid for keeping your room straight this week."
Both boys at the same time, "WHO TOLD YOU THAT????"
"What does it matter who told me. Why are you getting paid to keep your room clean?
Cole said, "Well we aren't anymore."
I said, "Why not?"
"Because you found out. We would only get paid if you didn't find out."
Ronnie chimmed in with, "Yea, that was the deal. You couldn't find out."
I said, "Well how do you know?"
Hunter said, "I was told not to let you find out so I told everybody else, but you!"
I said, " Hmmmm...well you are still going to get paid. Beth-mom told me so she broke her own pact."
Both boy had this big sigh of relief on their faces after near panic attacks on how I found out.

This is probably one of those you had to be there stories, but I thought it was cute.

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