Thursday, October 23, 2008

Fun With Color! by RR

It has been a long time since I posted anything. So, I thought I would just write a small note.

If you didn't notice, I changed the colors up a bit. I thought I would make things a little more fall-ish.

Things are cruising right along for me/us. I am immersed in my multiple roles at the church. All of which are exciting, fun, and challenging. The singles ministry (which I lead) had a speaker come in for a retreat last weekend and the things he talked about were simple, yet profound. He talked about how we are ALL made in God's image and likeness, and recognizing that everyone I meet and come in contact with is also made in GOd's image and likeness; whether they were nice, mean, happy, sad, whatever.
I know...duh!

He also talked about how as God's workmanship (Eph. 2:10) we were created for good works that God has prepared ahead of time. He challenged us to live our daily lives with the focus on each human intersection that we encounter on a daily basis with the mindset that God may be using me/us in some way in this interaction. Basically looking for the opportunity to love and serve others in each daily situation--moment by moment.

Usually I am too busy focussing on one thing...ME. So shifting the focus to OTHERS is challenging.

Anyway, I hope you are having a SUPER day. I promise I will write again sooner. Ebby is just so good at keeping up on this stuff that I just let her handle it.


Wendi Kitsteiner said...

But Ronnie, when you are as cool as you are ... it's hard not to focus on yourself! I don't blame you.

Anonymous said...

I like the colors! I heard Jimmy speak last weekend, too. This has been Kevin's mantra for about two years--remembering that each person is created in God's image. It's so hard for me to remember that at the moment when I'm encountering the person not reflecting God's image at all. It's hard. This seems to be a topic that keeps coming up for me lately. Hmmm . . . could God be whispering something to me?

Anonymous said...

You are sweet Wendi.:)

Kristi- I think the Lord is tugging at a lot of His peoples' hearts to love and serve. I run into it at least weekly. Listen to the whispers.