Thursday, November 15, 2007

Update on my dad

My dad will be released today from the hospital. His kidneys are functioning again, his potassium levels are back to normal, but his blood sugar level is still high. The doctor said last night that they will release him late today so that they can get as much fluids in him as possible.

The diagnosis was the pituitary glad...he has Addison's. He has had it for several years but this time with the help of low fluids his body wasn't functioning properly. His kidneys stopped working and he wasn't getting enough oxygen in his lungs.

He is now on two inhalers to help the lungs and they are sending him to an Endocrinologist at the Medical University of SC for treatment. With the use of inhalers with steroids his blood sugar levels are still going to be tough to manage, but they are going to try and figure that out at MUSC, too.

Thank you for all the prayers!!!!!!!!!!!

Ebby Ray