Friday, November 16, 2007

Headed to MN!!

I am headed to ROchester this weekend for the super special choir wekend. I sure look forward to the choir. Regular worship is always meaningful and worshipful, but you add 30-40 powerful voices singing from their toes to the Lord and you have an incredibly moving experience. I always say it is like Heaven practice.

Imagine...standing face to face with the Lord...our Savior...our Redeemer...our Creator...singing or praise with perfect united voices, from our pure spirit, without any fleshly intentions or corruptions. I can't wait for that day!

But for now, I am going to Rochester!

THe weather here has been a lesser preview of what I will be facing in Roch. Last night at HOB I was out back at the artist entrance all night and it was cold. The low was 32. So I will be ready.

TOnight will be poker night at Dan Howe's place. Since I stink at poker, it will be a fun, short evening. And of course, tomorrow morning will be the Tremendous Twelve at Perkins for breakfast. That's really why I go once a month...they take me out for breakfast.

Then Saturday evening I will get to hang out with the Jensen's and Ganz's. I am told there will be cheesecake. Can't wait!!

Hope you all have a nice weekend. I will take the camera this time and put some pictures on here next week.


Rachel and Hans said...

I *think* that the Dan Howe you are talking about might be my old math teacher from Kellogg/Century??

If I'm right - tell him hi...he might remember me!

Anonymous said...

That is the Dan Howe! What a small world!