Friday, July 18, 2008

A peek in a window

Today Hunter, Cole and I went to surprise one of Hunter's friends. Unfortunately they weren't home, but on the way I saw a store with a 1/2 price sale sign in the front window. The store was on Broadway, which has very little parking. We had to park around the corner and walk. As we were getting out of the car I saw a store window that looked interesting.

We walked around the corner, saw nothing of interest in the store, and started back to our car. I pulled Cole to the window and we were peeking in. The store looked closed and didn't appear to have anyone inside. We were quite surprised when a young lady opened the door and invited us in. Hunter caught up with us and we all went inside to have a look. Along with the tour of the store we got a story.

The store was Sculptures by Hugh Butt. Mr. Butt is a 98 year old man who learned to weld about 30 years ago. After learning to weld he began making metal sculptures. The ones that we saw were so neat. You could see how much he liked faces. A majority of the sculptures had faces on them. I am betting that I could go in that store 100 times and see something new every time. The young lady that let us in was Mr. Butt's granddaughter. She was in town for a visit since her grandfather is sick. Her father was in the store with her. She went on to tell us that she actually found a sculpture that Mr. Butt made last year. It was dated 2007...he would have been 97 years old. What a life this man has had.

Needless to say it was a real treat to be welcomed into Hugh Butt's store and take a peek at his art work. The funny thing is that a couple of days ago I told Ronnie that I want to take a welding class and then a woodworking class. I want to make furniture out of metals and wood. It was encouraging to hear that this man learned how to weld in his 60's. I am in my 40's so I think that I can do it too.

I am very glad that we stopped to take a peek in the window today. What a treasure it was.

1 comment:

Joel Haas said...

Sadly, I see in today's NY Times that Dr. Butt died this week (August 2008)