Friday, December 14, 2007

Little Drummer Boy

Last night mom, Walt, Cole, and I went to the middle school band concert. I wasn't looking forward to sitting through the 6th, 7th and 8th grade band performances plus the jazz band. I have been to serveral of these over the years for English and Hunter already so I figured that it was pretty much going to be the same thing again.
Let me start with saying that the 6th grade band was really impressive for a beginning band. They did very well. So did the 7th and 8th grades bands. I wasn't bored at all. The band director did a great job with these kids.
Then it was the Jazz Band's turn. The part that I had been waiting for. The band director introduced them and said which songs they were going to do. Blah, Blah, blah and Drum Time with a solo by Hunter Ray, and Iron Man with a solo by Will Jackson. (Will is one of Hunter's closest friend here at the beach. They get together and play music at Will's house.)
I know that my children are talented. I think that all parents think their children are talented in some way or another just for the simple reason that they are their children. I knew that Hunter could play the drums. He is just like his dad. It comes very natural to him. He will play anything...straws, pencils, chop sticks, his fingers, his feet...they all become drum sticks.
When Drum Time started I was wondering when and where the solo would come in. When it did happen I was not ready for what I heard. My son is GOOD! It brought tears to my eyes. People were cheering and clapping for him. I even stood up at the end. I was amazed at what I heard. He really is GOOD! Even while the bass peddle was falling apart he didn't miss a beat. Kept right on going. Ronnie has told me how talented he is,but I had no idea. As a proud mom I have to say one more time...he is GOOD! Wow.
After Hunter's song came Will's. Let me tell you that I was floored once again. This boy can play. His fingers were flying across the electric guitar. Will's mom was sitting in front of me and we both said that we wished that they could have played together, but then neither one would have been showcased. Will's song brought the house down and was a great finale to the whole program. They were the stars!
Ronnie wasn't able to come to the concert and was very upset about this. His boss made him stay late since he wasn't going to be there today. He is heading to Rochester for the weekend.
Veronica didn't go because she went shopping with her English teacher and all the English students for their Angel Tree children. They raised $2,100, which was $100 for each child. They had a good time shopping.
Well that is all for my proud mom post. Sorry if I made you sick, but I am gushing!
Have a great day.


Anonymous said...

Ebby was not the only proud family member. I was truly amazed at Hunter and you can tell that he really enjoys playing the drums. After the concert Walt asked, "Do we need to form a band for Hunter and Will to play in?" That is saying a great deal from a man that rarely shows emotions.
Hunter, you were AWESOME!!!!!

TAV said...

keep up the music, Hunter! that's awesome! i'm proud of you, too (albeit not your mom ;)).

Anonymous said...

I am glad that Hunter is so talented, and not suprised either. My concern is that if he is going to be that good, can he make a decent living at it, you know, to support a family, etc. It is never to early to start thinking about that!
Hunter's future mother-in-law

The Ray Family said...

He'll have a backup plan. Maybe he'll be a lawyer or something like that. A good paying job that will support you daughter and all her needs.

Anonymous said...

like therapy for being part of our family

Anonymous said...

HER needs?!!? What about supporting all of us in our old age?

Rachel and Hans said...

wish i could have heard hunter...sounds like he was awesome!

also - ebby, we are looking for some reception music (during the appetizers) a string quartet or something along those lines. any ideas? i know you have some musical connections in roch. i'm sure hunter is great, but drums probably wouldn't be the best when people are trying to talk! :-)

Anonymous said...

I do know some peeps. I will get their phone number and send it to you.

Rachel and Hans said...

thanks ebby! my e-mail is