Ronnie was busy busy yesterday trying to finish up packing and getting everything together. They can only take one suitcase each and they can't weigh over 50 pounds. The only other luggage is their carry on. When these groups go they try to take things that the missionaries can't get over cake mix. :) Therefore finding room for your stuff and the things for the missionaries as well as keeping it under 50 pounds is a little bit of a challenge. This time they were able to take a keyboard for the church over there as well as some medical equipment.
Ronnie finally got everything under 50 pounds after a couple of "weigh-ins" on the scale. It was funny watching him go back and forth from the bedroom to the bathroom to weigh the suitcase after removing a couple of things each time.
This morning we got up pretty early and as I was getting ready for work Ronnie went outside to pack the car. I had to ask him something so I opened the bathroom window (it faces the driveway). He was looking in both cars and I asked him what he was looking for. He looked a little confused and asked me if I had opened the glove box to the grey car. No...I hadn't been outside yet. He then informed me that someone had gone through both of the cars and that his wallet and cell phone were gone.
Now, all of you are probably thinking the exact same thing I first thought..."Why was his wallet and cell phone left in the car overnight?" I thought it....I thought it very hard, but I didn't say anything. I just closed the window and kept getting ready.
What a way to start his trip to Cambodia. Wallet and cell phone were gone. Thankfully the only things in the wallet were $22, his health insurance card, drivers license, and work credit card. When I got to work I called the cell phone company, the police and the church. Everything taken care of. Hopefully there hadn't been anything charged on the credit card.
Oh well...we got to the airport in plenty of time. Ronnie has his passport so he will still be able to travel. He will be gone 2 long weeks, but I think we will be fine. We did it last year for 4 months so this shouldn't be bad at all. The only thing is that this time I don't have my mom to spoil us and help me out. :)
I have included a couple of pictures I got off of the internet. When Ronnie went to Cambodia last time I had to look it up on a map. I knew it was Asian and I knew it was by Vietnam, but I didn't know exactly where it was. It is in the bottom right hand corner of Asia on the big map and then I included one of Cambodia. I THINK Ronnie will be in Phnom Penh. Don't quote me on that.
The other pictures are just of different things in Phnom Penh. It shows how "busy" the city is. I really hope that they have good travels and a great time over there.

Dang, I texted him too late. I hope he gets it anyway. It will be weird having him gone again.
Sooooo excited!!!! Please keep us updated!!!
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