Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Joining the 21st century

I go through phases where I don't like modern technology, and I drag my family along with me. Just his morning I was thinking that I would turn my cell phone off. My thoughts were:

1) What would I have done if my car broke down prior to cell phones? What would I do if I didn't get reception on my cell phone and my car broke down? Walk to find assistance!
2)What if I had a though while I was driving home from work and wanted to call someone and tell them something? Wait until I get home and use *gasp* the land line.

Another thing I successfully got rid of was our microwave. I know, I do I do without a microwave? We do the same thing we did before microwave was affordable for every home. We use the stove top.

The other day I was looking through Craigslist and came across a used microwave at a pretty good price. I sent the link to Ronnie. He made her an offer, she countered, and SOLD! it is ours.

Yes, it was my idea to get another microwave. It will be much easier for the kids (and myself) to reheat leftovers. We are also a big popcorn family. I got a airpopper for Christmas, but it isn't as easy to use as I thought it would be. If you aren't careful you will get burned by the kernels that are flying all over the kitchen, and I do mean flying all over the kitchen. Doesn't feel very good when you do actually get hit.

We are now joining the 21st Century. I still have my cell phone and we are getting a microwave.


Elizabeth said...

(*ominous Dracula voice*) "Welcome, my dear...soon your addiction will be complete, and I will have you hopelessly under my evil control...Mmwwaa ha ha ha!" :-)

Anonymous said...

My family loves popcorn too. We have gone thru so many popcorn makers and have finally found the easiest one in the world. It is called the West Bend Stir Crazy. It is the best. Way better than microwave popcorn for our large family.

Anonymous said...

Will the kernels come flying out at me. I keep my head turned when using ours.

D - I feel like that at times. I just want a simple life with just the simple things we need to live. We don't need a microwave, but the dark side won! Grrrrr

Karin said...

Ooh, I remember when we were without a microwave for a while - I was tripped up so many times those first few days. Hadn't ever realized how much I use it for! Reheating leftovers of coruse, but also melting butter, melting chocolate, heating bottles for baby (yes, I did that and Sophie lived through it) and and and.

As for popcorn, we are a divided family. He uses microwave, i pull out the air popper... and then stand far far away and don't allow my children anywhere near the kitchen. Which is especially hard of course since they want to watch all the popping, overflowing kernels... : )

The McCutcheons said...

We use our air popcorn maker sooooo often that it died on us. So, we ran out and bought another one. :) (I have never seen popcorn flying in my kitchen unless a child dropped their bowl. Gggrrr!!) I really like that it's cheaper to use air to make your own (not the pre-packaged stuff or having to use oil to pop it) and it's healthier too!

As for cell phones....we have never had one. One reason is because we are too cheap. I also don't want people calling me (or Mark) anytime they want. I want to be able to get away and hide. I have traveled far with four babies by myself MANY times and survived. Hey, we atleast have an answering machine!

If anything...we have always lived a very simple life and because of that the recession hasn't hurt our family. (Praise the Lord) See, it pays off to live simple and to be cheap! :) When we all have to stand in "soup lines"....then I might start complaining about the recession.

Gosh, I think I got off topic a little! :) Maybe....not!

Diane said...

That darn air popper! It is quite fun to use, but yes... a microwave is much easier! :)
And ummm, how I am supposed to text you if you turn your cell phone off?!
I love modern technology, but sometimes I really want to shut off every form of communication. But it just isn't that easy.