Friday, September 12, 2008

Laughing vs. Not Laughing

Laughing vs. not laughing. Some things aren’t making me laugh right now, but I really do love to laugh.

For instance…last night I was dropping Hunter off at church for worship practice. (He gets to play drums with Ronnie and the Singles Ministry worship team Sunday night. Very cool!) I had Smalls with me and decided to walk him around the outside of the church so that he could take care of business. As we were walking along a huge toad jumped and startled Smalls. Smalls jumped back and then promptly pounced on the toad. All I said was, “No! You lick my face! You can’t eat the toad!” I grabbed him up and he was really wiggling to get out of my arms and back to that toad. Something so simple as that really made me laugh.

What doesn’t make me laugh is our upcoming schedule for each night of the week.

Monday – Ronnie and I are home.
Tuesday – Ronnie singles worship team practice, every other Tuesday for Ebby is Teen MOPS
Wednesday – Ebby and Cole have AWANA’s and Hunter and Veronica youth group
Thursday – Ronnie and I are home.
Friday – Ronnie worship for Celebrate Recovery
Saturday – Ronnie worship practice and then church
Sunday – Ronnie church in the morning and then singles ministry in the evening.

We are only home together two nights out of the week. Throw in Veronica’s work schedule and it is going to be crazy.

Something that made me smile today is the gift card I got for Home Depot from my friend Missy. (Thanks again!!) I am in the process of a couple of projects around the house and this will really come in handy. The first project is making our dining room table. I have it all planned out and now I just need the supplies.

Something that didn’t make me smile today was realizing that I might be doing some damage with Veronica. I am told all the time (with or without her around) how beautiful she is. People come and seek me out to let me know that they saw her and how beautiful she is and that we look alike (I am not in any way trying to say that people think I am beautiful!!). My response is usually along the lines of “Oh, thank you. She looks just like my mother-in-law who is so beautiful. If she were standing here you would actually think she looks just like her.”

The damage I think that I have done is projecting to Veronica that I don’t think that we look alike or that I don’t want us to look alike. I myself think Veronica is beautiful (actually I think all my children are beautiful) and that she gets her good looks from her grandmother. The dark hair and eyes along with the darker complexion comes from Ronnie’s side of the family. My side is lighter eyes and a complexion that tans easily, but is lighter. I have to quit saying this and just stick with “Thank you”.

Something else that made me laugh this week was Ronnie planning a date for us tonight. Going so far as getting tickets to a play that a friend is in and seeing if we could swing dinner. Two nights ago he was on the phone with another friend, Jennifer, when he realized that he is part of the worship team tonight for the Women’s’ Ministry fall kick off. There is a national speaker coming in from Proverbs 31 Ministry. I am thinking that we can’t be in two places at once. Seeing as how worship is part of his job I said that I would help out tonight at church and we will just forgo the play. It just made me smile that he forgot about his work needs in all the excitement of dating me tonight. :)

Something else that doesn’t make me smile or laugh…when pregnant women come up to my desk and let out one of those “silent but deadly” farts. They won’t look at me and then slink away leaving the smell behind. Please don’t come up to my desk and fart. Go to another desk and leave it with them. That would make me laugh out loud.

One more thing that doesn’t make me laugh or smile. I have to get a part-time job. That doesn’t make me smile at all, but it is necessary for a while. Thankfully Ronnie has a willing wife and not one that doesn’t want to pitch in. I would much rather be the unwilling wife who insists on staying home and being a housewife. That would make me smile.


TAV said...

that is too funny, ebby. the farting pregnant women comment (is it really pregnant women more than others?! wendi better be careful ;) made ME smile! :)

Kristi said...

This was a great read, Ebby. The farting pregnant woman must not be reading your blog, huh? I'm trying not to laugh too loud since my family is asleep.

Sarah Carlson said...

I laughed out loud about the farting pregnant woman/women!!! That is SOOOOO funny! Who knew that could be an occupational hazard?!

Wendi Kitsteiner said...

Toads can be poisonous so keep Smalls away.

Also, I do not pass gas silently lately. It is quite obvious and though I apologize profusely, I do acknowledge.

And . . . don't you already work full time?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I work full time, but I need to get a little part time job for about 6 months. Want to hire me to babysit? :)