Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Our Weekend

This past weekend was spent celebrating Veronica's 16th birthday. There wasn't a big celebration, but two different little get togethers.

On Saturday night we went out to eat with Bethmom and Waltwee. They took us to Nakatos, which is a Japanese steak house. This is a tradition with my side of the family. When we are with my parents and there is a birthday we usually go to a Japanese steak house to celebrate. We have done this for 20 years now.

Veronica's friend, Grace, went to eat with us Saturday.
Grace, Veronica and Cole
Veronica and Waltwee

Hunter and Waltwee (who was being VERY silly)

Hunter and Bethmom

On Sunday a bunch of Veronica's friends gathered at the beach for her birthday. Some of them brought their boards and surfed, but most just swam, played football or hit the volleyball around. It was so stinking hot that you couldn't just sit around for very long with out burning up so most of the day was spent in the water. I actually put my suit on and joined the kids in the ocean. It was a fun day.

Building a pyramid...but not doing such a good job.

Veronica and Grace...who we will miss very much.

Veronica and Jake...another very good friend of Veronica's. We will miss him a lot, too.

All the girls in a tide pool just chillin'

All the kids in a tide pool.

This is Veronica and Will. I was so worried about Will while we were at the beach. I kept asking him if he had put sunscreen on or not. Poor kid probably felt like he was 5 years old and his mother was with him. At least when he left he wasn't bright lobster red.

Veronica and Steven

Steven, Veronica, Haley, and Andy. Andy has the WORST farmers tan EVER!
Happy 16th BirthdayVeronica!


Kristi said...

Happy B-Day Veronica! O.K. We heard some rumor that Hunter got his lip pierced (heard from Hunter). I said, "There's no way." And I don't see any piercing in the pictures. So--what's the scoop?

Anonymous said...

Hunter is full of baloney!!! There are a couple of things that I won't let my children do (surprising I know) one of them is to get facial piercings. Little nose piercing is ok and ears, but other than that absolutely not!!

Alyssa said...

Happy birthday Veronica! I hope you have better luck driving than English! I'll be praying for you :)

TAV said...

happy bday, veronica!!!!

Sarah Carlson said...

I love the pictures of Will! That cracks me up and also makes me feel better about having SUCH light skin! I swear, sometimes I think my skin is translucent! It has two shades- white or red.:P

Anonymous said...

Sarah...English is the same way. She has white and then a couple of shades of red then her freckles start blending together.