Monday, January 12, 2009

Meet My People

I readily share with Ronnie that I don’t want to work. I want to be a stay at home mom caring for my family and house. That just isn’t a possibility at this time in our lives. I must work to help Ronnie support our family. Right now I have two jobs. I work at Olmsted Medical Center as well as Target.

Since I do have to have two jobs I am so glad that I have two jobs that I like. I get to meet all kinds of people at both jobs. Below I would like to introduce you to someo f my peeps.

At OMC I have had the pleasure of meeting a young couple that is expecting their first child. The husband really takes care of the wife and from what I understand she is really trying hard to be a good housewife and finish school all at the same time. I have come to really like this couple and have even tried to figure out what I can get them as a baby gift. (Ronnie and I figured this out the other day) Now hold on to your hats. This couple is 16 and 19 year olds. The mom to be is still in high school and working so hard to finish. The husband is really trying to be a good provider for his little family. I have come to look forward to their visits to our office at OMC.

How about the guy at Target yesterday with his son? After I said hello to his son the man went on to tell me that his son was mute. I kept talking to them BOTH anyway. After I was finished ringing up their purchases I told the man that he was doing a good job with his son. His response was, “well I have to.” I looked at him for a moment and said, “No you don’t.” I think that this was the first time someone had ever said anything like this to him. He quietly mumbled "well thank you," and off he and his son went. A few minutes later they came back through my lane (even though the other express lane was empty) to purchase an item they had forgotten, which let me know that I hadn’t offended him like I had feared.

Then there is the guy who came through my Target lane wearing a new military jacket. I asked him if he was in the military. He told me no, and then went on to tell me the story of his jacket. He goes to the Salvation Army once a week to see what they have. Every week there are these military jackets, but none in his size. This past week he went in and almost didn’t go over to look at the jackets. Just before he was leaving he went over and what do you know…they had his size. He was so excited!

A few weeks ago a lady was sitting in the waiting room of our dept. at OMC crying. I went around the counter and handed her a tissue so that she wouldn’t have to get up. During her next visit she thanked me. I didn’t know until after she left that first time she had just found out that she had a non-viable pregnancy. Her baby had died. (This happens way more than I thought it did)

One day I was working at Target and a lady asked me if I was Ron’s wife. Uh-oh…what had he done now? I answered yes, and she went on to tell me she was an old customer of his at Caribou’s and that she remembered my name.

Another lady came through and told me she had been part of a group of people Ronnie and I had spoken to about our marriage. That’s a little scary.

One day there was a little boy and his mom that came through my lane at Target. He put his little toy up on the belt and I rang it up. I can’t remember what the total was but I told him something like one ca-trillion-billion-zillion dollars. He turned to his mom and said, “You pay it.”

There is also my co-worker at OMC that decided to help out in the CCC Café on New Years Eve for Rock the Clock instead of going out on the town.

I also run into half of our church while I am working at Target. It is always fun to catch up with everyone while checking him or her out.

I really like both of my jobs. I don’t like having two jobs, but again I am thankful that I like both of them. As a matter of fact Target just offered me to stay on permanently instead of laying me off after the Christmas season. I am thankful for that, too. I am also thankful that I have a job at all much less two.

What I really wish I could do is be a professional greeter…hostess…welcomer…conversationalist (yes, I will talk to just about anyone…right Wendi!) Anyone want to pay me at least $30,000 per year to welcome people? Events, parties, any other type of gatherings…leave me a comment and let me know. :)


the j-crew said...

If I had a ca-trillion-zillion-bazillion dollars (or $30,000) I would hire you as my permanent hostess!

Anonymous said...

Do you work in the OB dept at Olmsted?

If so, do you know Patricia A.S. (I won't use full names on here!). She's a new staff physician that just came over from Mayo...she's our FAVORITE, so if you know her, tell her Hans and Rachel said hi!

Anonymous said...

Yep...we got her. She is wonderful!

And yes I work in OB-Gyn and I love it.

The McCutcheons said...

Staying at home is wonderful for our family. There is some stress that we DON'T have to have because I am always here. Although, because I don't help with our bank account - we also have the common "money" stress.

I think it's great that you have found jobs (that you love) to be able to help your family. Mark's dad has been without a job since October. These days aren't always fun but you have found joy and that's what matters. It sounds like you have your own ministry at Target and OMC! :)

Diane said...

Ebby, you are so wonderful and so many people just love you. And if I had the money, I would pay you to greet people for me in the cafe! You are so much better at it anyway!

Anonymous said...

D and J:

How about the two of you get $30,000 together and I will work part-time for each of you?! I would really like that.

Diane said...

Ebby, I will work on that. As soon as I am doing well with my finances... have a car that starts every morning, and live somewhere that I like, I will start saving the money to hire you. :)

Anonymous said...

That's a deal sister!!

Anonymous said...

If we didn't have such good Mayo insurance, I would have come over to Olmsted just so I could keep seeing Patricia. Plus, she keeps Hans in line, which is much needed sometimes!

make sure to tell her hi! What a fun place to work!

Karin said...

hi ebby, read this late last night and now see others had the same idea as me. Personal trainer - would be nice. Hairstylist following me around - could use it, to be sure. But I'd be much better of with my own personal "conversationalist" -- not to talk to ME all the time, but to talk to all the people I meet and don't knwo what to say. I'll let you know when we've fit that into our budget... : )

But seriously, you truly do have a gift! And I loved hearing some of your stories!!!

Elizabeth said...

That's such an awesome ministry that you have, Ebby. Not everyone can just strike up a conversation with anyone -- trust me, I know, I'm HORRIBLE at that! I'm a blabbermouth with my friends, but introduce me to someone I don't know well and watch me blush and try to crawl under a log!! I could really use you as my own personal "meet-and-greeter"! I let you know when I've saved up the cash! :-)

Anonymous said...

PEOPLE!!! All of you should get together and SHARE me. Pool your resources and I will work for all of you in some capacity.

The Spann Fam said...

Love this post, Ebby...