Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Ten out of Ten

Last night poor little Cole broke his left arm. He was skate boarding down a pretty decent hill, got going to fast, did his normal jump off but was going too fast and fell on the asphalt. Hunter was with him and ran back to help him. Thankfully there were some neighbors in their yards that helped him until I could get there.

We got in the car and went to Olmsted Medical Center (where I work). On the way Cole told me that he was so glad that he had his helmet on. He hit is head and then it scrapped along the gound. There are some visible marks on the front area of the helmet. I am very thankful that he only broke his arm.

When the nurses were asking him questions they asked on a scale of 1 to 10 how bad does your arm hurt? He said, "10!!" Later after he received the Morphine he asked how bad it hurt and the arm pain had gone down but the pain from the Morphine shot was a 10. We were giving him a hard time that the shot pain was equal to the pain in his broke arm.

We got to Olmsted and this is what Cole looked like.

This was Cole after he received the Morphine shot.

I htink the Morphine did the trick.
You can see where it broke in this piture. Ronnie took all of these pictures. I didn't think of taking pictures. I don't think I would have taken pictures.
Here Cole is still at Olmsted waiting to be transfered to St. Mary's (Mayo) to see the Pediatric Orthopedic 4th Year Resident. Morphine is now Cole's best friend. This is just a splint on his arm
We went over to St. Mary's and started having a good time. Ronnie ran home during our transfer and brought Hunter along. Nurses were coming in asking us if we were having a party. We were being silly and goofey. I guess that is the wya we handle situations like this. Laugh a little and it takes your mind off of things.
At St. Mary's they gave Cole and IV and took the splint off. Hunter immediately turned green. I do mean green. He started sweating and his face was green. He thought he was going to throw up. Since I have to work this morning it was decided that I would get him out of there and take him home.
After they got Cole's arm set he and Ronnie finally got home around 1:30 this morning. Poor guys. He has to go back in a week to have the rest of the cast put on. They had to saw a place down the middle due to swelling.
Cole is going to be one sore little boy this morning. At least through all of this he can tell his friends how important it is to wear a helmet. That is the thing that we all kept talking about last night.
Here is Cole's cast. Fingers to just below the shoulder. You can see the the saw marks on the cast. The white part is just tape to hold the cast together until he goes back in a week.


Wendi Kitsteiner said...

I talked to Cole yesterday. That must have been BEFORE he broke his arm!?!?!?

Kristi said...

It's a good thing Ron took pictures--it makes for a cool blog entry! :) Isn't it weird how you have no idea what a day may hold for you? What a bummer way to start school, huh, Cole?

yuan family said...

Poor Cole...hopefully he is feeling better today. Brandon would have loved to have been in the ER during that...bummer!

Anonymous said...

way to go cole... hope you feel better soondude, we will be praying for you.
We love you dude!!!!
the rays's

Anonymous said...

Bummer Coley but an awesome story. Your first board break, you have a long career ahead of you. I expect to be one of the first to sign the new cast!

Anonymous said...

Cole - We're sorry to hear about your arm but a soooo glad you were wearing your helmet. Hope you feel better soon.

We love you!!!!

TAV said...

whoa, cole!!!! that is quite a break. hope your arm heals soon! (glad you were wearing your helmet!!!!).

Anonymous said...

HOLY CRAP! When Ron told me about the break he didn't do it justice! Had that been me I would have been hysterical... Cole is a tough kid, props to him.