I think most everyone knows that English is in the Air Force, and is currently stationed at Travis Air Force Base in Northern California. On November 28th she will be deploying to Kuwait for 6 months. When she said, "in two weeks" it about knocked the wind out of me. I didn't realize it was so close to time for her to leave.
The following are my own personal feeling and do not reflect the feelings of anyone else in this house...:)
I love the military and truly believe in it. I think most military personnel will spend some time depolyed to some foreign country. When English signed a contract with the military our country was at war, therefore, it is her duty to go over there and support our country. I am very thankful for those that go to one of the Arab countries to serve. I am sure that she could have tried to go to some other base and not go to the "war zone", but I am very proud of her for accepting this assignment without whining.
Now, I don't have a problem with her going over to Kuwait. That is her job, and the Air Force will take care of her. Even though I don't have a problem with that I do have a problem with the fact that I can't go there if something happens. I can't get to my little girl is something happens to her.
I think this is one of those things that I don't let God take care of. It is truly a fear of mine. That if someone in my family gets hurt or something is wrong I won't be able to get to them. Thankfully, all of our family lives within an ariplane ride from Minnesota. I can get to California, I can get to South Carolina, and I can get to Kentucky. I can't go to Kuwait. They wouldn't let me on base. I don't even know if they will let me in the country. How would I get to her if something happens? Please keep me in your prayers...that I will give it over to the Lord and not hold on to this.
Anyway, while English and I were talking I told her that since I couldn't go with her I was going to send little notes so that she could carry them around with her. The she could hold them up for someone to read when the occassion calls for it. They would say things like...
"Sir, please point that gun away from my daughter."
"Sir, please throw that morter the other direction away from my daughter."
"Sir, please do not look at my daughter that way."
"Sir, if you touch my daughter I will break your neck."
"Sir, my mom says I do not have to do 20 push-ups."
We got a good laugh.
Well, I know that English will be taken care of. I know that she is getting to go to a country that she may never have gotten to visit otherwise. I know she is going to make new friends. I know that if something happens to her the military will bring her home to me so that I can help take care of her, too. I hope she finds some way to have a good time while she is gone. I hope this is a positive experience for her, and that she comes away with some great stories.
I know that from the last time I was able to visit her until the time she comes back it will be right at a year. I know that my arms are going to ache, but I am very proud of her. She is a good soldier, and an amazing daughter.
If you would like to send a package or letters to English while she is over seas, please let me know and I will get you her APO address.
Ebby, I would love to send her a care package ... could you email me her info?
Ebby, My family and I would love to send her a care package too! You can message me her address on FB, or email it to me. If not, I will catch you at church or some other place sometime:)
And if you could give me some ideas as far as some favorite things of hers that would be great too!
I will send you her info within the next couple of days. Thank you for wanting to do this. I appreciate it more that you will ever know.
The McCutcheons will be praying for English and you too!
Wow! You guys will have our prayers as well.
Can I have her address as well? I promised I'd send her packages.
I talked to her the other night while she was waiting to board her flight in VA and we laughed the entire time... it felt great!
p.s. my e-mail is arhoff@csbsju.edu
My coworker at school coordinates sending packages to deployed soldiers. Does she have any specific needs now that she's there? Let me know and send her address! :)
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