I am feeling so grumpy today...therefore I am going to try and concentrate on something that is positive.
First let's talk about my upcoming trip. I get to go see English the frist weekend of September. She was supposed to come home for 2 weeks in August, but wasn't able to. Then we found out that she is most likely going to be deployed December 5, 2009. Those two things + my having not seen her in a year= my wonderful husband finding and making a way for me to be able to go visit her. I am so excited!
So there are two positive things that will make my mood better...English and my wonderful husband.
While speaking of English I thought that I would add a photo of her on here. It was in the Airman Magazine a while back. I can't remember if I posted it on here before, and I really don't feel like going back and looking for it. I think that you can click on the picture to enlarge it. She is the far left Airman. When I first saw this picture I automatically thought of Top Gun and started humming the song. They all look pretty kick butt.

Another thing that gets me out of a bad mood is playing the "If I Won the Lottery Game." Ronnie and I play this sometimes. We aren't delusional enough to think that we are ever going to win the lottery...you have to buy tickets to win and we don't buy tickets. We still like to talk about what we would do. There would most definately be LOTS of ministry stuff done. Ask us sometime what we would like to do with two 18 wheel trucks. We love talking about it.
Even though we talk mostly about what ministry stuff we would like to do there are a couple of things that kick around in the back ground. Yes, they are selfish, but I would like to do a couple of things. One would be this awsome trailer below. I could see Ronnie and I tooling around the country side and camping in this. When I look at this picture I just feel....aaahhhhhh....how cute and cozy. This would be a splurge.

We would also like to buy the house that we live in and do some minor remodeling and landscaping. I also think that we would buy two Vespa mopeds. We always get excited and animated when we play this game. It is just a game. Can't win without the ticket. :)
Well now I feel much better. Talking about two of my favorite people and a picture of something fun. My mood is much better!
Well I hope that you all have a great day.