Thursday, August 23, 2007


Finally! SOme pictures for your enjoyment.
Our House.
Our new neighborhood.
I can't believe we live here!
The kids frolicing in the Atlantic.
Cole & Veronica. sweet.
Rubbing it in :)
More rubbing it in :)

Now that we have photo capabilities we wil post pictures more often.

Love you guys!



Wendi Kitsteiner said...

I am here but every time I read your blog I miss you guys more and more ... I miss you all so much. A lot. A whole lot. A ton. I need to call you. I will call. Bye. So actually maybe it's just me clicking 490 times per day ... :)

The Ray Family said...

Thanks for being our biggest fan. We miss you guys A TON also. We should think about visiting each other after the first of the year. Wouldn't that be fun?